Friday, December 21, 2012

Chucks and leopard print and road trip essentials, Oh My...

BFFs-Chucks and leopard print...

(Get your own chucks here )
(Sweater-Volcom similar and on sale!)
(Just realized my hubby's shoe made it into the pic,
haha, so if your interested go here )
Road Trip essentials...
We're headed out today for the loooong 6 hour trip home!
Christmas with family, tamales, gift giving and lots of eating...
Here We Come!!!!
Here's what we will need...
Water!!! Always take water!! Believe me, you never know when you might just get stuck in a 22 hour long blizzard... (That's a story for later)

 Our iPhone's are obviously essential, you know in case of emergency, like "Help, I need to listen to Pandora because I'm so sleepy!" or "The Simpson's need me to build the Bowlarama, right now!!"

We bought 3 bags of these babies to get us through! Watch out yummy gummies, I'm gonna eat you!!!!

My trusty, warm sweater UGGS! (Last years Christmas gift, best gift ever babe!) These puppies are warm!!! I'm wearing them right now at work, they're definitely making the trip with me tonight!!

Cheers to the weekend!!
(And Cheers to road trips with cute husbands!!)