Monday, October 21, 2013

About that Texas State Fair...

My memories of the fair are mostly that of
turkey legs, cotton candy and the soda 
machine at The Our Lady of Guadalupe 
restaurant. I worked that machine to help
 out my grandma some years, it was fun. I 
was too young to work so I felt all adult 
and junk. These of course, are memories 
from the more quaint, less space invading 
Tri-State Fair of Amarillo Texas! We have 
lived in the DFW since 2009 and this was 
our second time to venture out to the 
State Fair of Texas. It was a blast! 

 ▲ The new Big-Tex, they forgot to give the
guy knees...
 ▲ Wandering around the Life & Times of Big-Tex
 ▲ The original head and arms of Big-Tex way back, so creepy. 
▲ Big-Tex was wearing this belt buckle last year 
when an electrical issue caused him to go up in
 flames. (If you haven't seen a photo of that, 
you definitely should. It's creepy as all get
 out!) Also, this belt buckle was made in 
Amarillo y'all!
 ▲ Me and my sweet friend Judy!
▲ Oh you know...tractor rides of death. So it 
▲ Cool guy. Always JEEP dreamin'!
 ▲ The giraffe that did not want his picture taken
 but did want to get awkwardly close to you with
 spit hanging from his mouth. 
 ▲ This is my good buddy, lets just call him 
miserable. Because he was. Sad eyes. I stayed
 there and pet him for about 20 minutes.
 We're best friends. 
 ▲ Gorgeous blonde boy enjoying some Chicken
 Fried Bacon right there!

▲ Having some FUN in the Cowboys trailer!!

▲ At the end of the night completely exhausted and
 fresh outta the bubble house! 

We Coble's love the Texas State Fair! 
Did you make it out to the fair this year? 
What's your favorite part??

Hope your having a gorgeous Monday!


  1. oh my goodness, that tiny tractor photo is so adorable. You guys are hilarious. Fabulous post, love. If you get a second, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest post. xo

    1. Haha! Thanks and thanks for stopping by! :) Will do!

  2. Annie that tractor pic is so funny looking. I needed a good smile today.!!!
