Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring Time Date Nights...

My absolute favorite date nights include only a
 few things; our patio, the pup, my hubby, a candle,
my cell phone playing Bethel's Loft Sessions 
and of course yummy food. 

These nights are 100% not possible or even some-
what enjoyable during the Winter and are even 
sometimes too warm during the summer. So you
gotta soak in all the patio date nights you can
while the gettin's good.

I suggest you do!

There's something about the light fragrance of
 summer creeping in, the stillness and bare feet 
on warm concrete.

Bring it on!! 

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. Oh gosh, I just can't wait till summer!! Such a cute picture :)
    xo TJ
