Monday, April 11, 2016

A really stinkin' good Saturday...

Hi friends. How long has it been? Forever? Correct! All this girl does these days is all the writing and the reading and the driving back and forth to campus. 
Speaking of...that hubby of mine has been crazy busy you guys. DOOM if you know what I mean. Anyways, one day he actually had a Saturday off and I had to go take some pictures for my stills class, so to UNT on a Saturday we went. 
It was the most beautiful sunny day! And UNT you guys, is pretty gorgeous on a cruddy day, so on a sunny day, it's like unicorn status. 

▼That gorgeous guy of mine had like a 20 minute back and forth with this squirrel, it was outta control cute.

The day continued on with some pretty delicious Thai food and then one of the coolest, funnest weddings we've had the honor of attending! Like In-N-Out Food Truck, customized t-shirt table, by the water cool. 
Oh and now I have a story that starts out with..."remember that one time my dress busted open as we were leaving for that wedding..."
And would you believe we have not one picture of us dressed up? I don't even know who we are anymore. I do have this picture I sent to my sis to get approval of last minute dress options...I went with this one!

It was a really, really good day!


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