Friday, May 10, 2013

My banana split partner in crime...

In honor of Mothers Day being this Sunday...
Here's to you Momma...

The most beautiful woman in the world.
The woman who gave birth naturally to a 
9 lb. 10 oz. me. Sorry about that.
The woman who cheers me on in every 
thing I put my heart into!
The woman I was absolutely sure would be
famous due to her highly trained car 
singing voice!
The woman who saves me from myself on
a daily basis.
The woman I aspire to.
The woman I look up to.
The woman who taught me to love Amy Grant
and My Fair Lady (Because everyone should 
you know?)
The woman who is still teaching me things,
even now that I am in my mid 20's.
The woman I would have hand picked If I had
been given the option...maybe I did.
The woman I am blessed to call my Best
Friend and my mother! There's no one I'd 
rather share a banana split with than you!

Happy Mother's Day Beautiful!

And of course a big shout out to
my sweet mother in law who I am 
very blessed to have! We Love you 
much and hope your day is lovely!
Happy Mother's Day Pretty Lady!
Rocking a 50's look for our 50's/80's party! 

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