Ok, so I love me some Met Gala! These ladies
show up either over the top and silly looking
or positively and overwhelmingly perfect!
First my 2 favorites...
Katie looked absolutely breathtaking! This
is my favorite of the night!!
Gwen looked gorgeous! It's classic with a little
bit of her usual edge! Beautiful!
Now for my two huh? moments of
the night...
Ginnifer...What are you doing? Yes. She
looks daring as you should at The Met Gala.
I don't know if it's the makeup or the hair,
but for me...this is just too much.
Ummmmm...Kristen? Are you in there?
And now for an honorable mention
of the confused kind...
Darn it Nina...I just can't decide!! She
looks beautiful but I can't decide how I feel
about that pant/dress thing she's wearing. Is
there a common term for that like press or
dants? Well anyways, her makeup and the top
of that thing she's wearing are beautiful!
Who were your favorites and not so favorites?
Haha dants.