I know. Funny picture right? A year or
so ago, my sisters and I were going through
a closet at my moms house and we found
this old dress of mine. I HAD to try it on.
It fit, it wouldn't zip all the way, that's
for sure, but it nearly did.
So anyways, I was joking around with my
mom the other day and she threatened to
spank me, which led me to remembering
funny little things about that little girl up
there. About how she would ask for a Dr.
Pepper, be told no and then quickly go
make one "for mom".
funny little things about that little girl up
there. About how she would ask for a Dr.
Pepper, be told no and then quickly go
make one "for mom".
Me: I made you this Dr. Pepper
Mom: I didn't want a Dr. Pepper
Me: Oh ok, well then I'll just drink it.
(Worked every time and I'm still a sucker
for a Dr. Pepper!)
for a Dr. Pepper!)
I loved and LOVE to dress up, any chance
I get!
I loved and LOVE my family with my whole
heart. I'm always surprised when I manage
to make more room for the wonderful people
that continue to come into my life and
enrich it!
I feel very blessed that I've grown up and
matured but have still held on to the important
parts of that little girl I once was. Every part of
me started with her and the way I was brought
up. I can't wait to see what kind of littlies
matured but have still held on to the important
parts of that little girl I once was. Every part of
me started with her and the way I was brought
up. I can't wait to see what kind of littlies
me and the blonde boy bring into this world.
Not just yet, but one day.
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