Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Throwback Thurday of sorts // 006...

This morning, the question "What was your favorite
moment of your wedding?" was asked. This was it
you guys...

The pastor told our guests that we would now be
taking communion together. They had set out a 
beautiful glass of juice to symbolize the blood of
Jesus and a gorgeous loaf of bread to symbolize
the body of Jesus that was broken for us. The 
blonde boy allowed me to take of the bread first.
I broke into it with my fingers, my soon to be
husband followed. Only he accidentally grabbed
a huge chunk, which he quickly popped into his
mouth, most likely to conceal it. But then, he 
looked at me horrified, unaware of how to
 proceed now that he had a huge piece of bread
 in his mouth. We busted out laughing, we tried
 to control our laughter, which only made it much,
 much funnier to us and to our friends and family.

This moment while being hilarious, was also a 
calming moment on such an overstimulating, 
exciting day. It was a moment that spoke so 
sweetly of our relationship and how much fun 
everything from here on out would be. 

And it has been.

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